Saturday, August 24, 2013

Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation of India

R & D Engineer/ QC Officer/ Marketing officer

Eligibility : BE/B.Tech(Mech, Production / Plant Engg, Electrical, Electronics & Instrumentation), CA, ICWA, ME/M.Tech(Bio-Medical /Bio-Technology Engg), PG Diploma, Diploma(Mech)
Location : Hyderabad, Kanpur
Job Category : 1 to 3 Yr Exp, Core Technical
Last Date : 29 Aug 2013
Job Type : Full Time
Hiring Process : Face to Face Interview

Job Details

hiring job
Advt No. – AD 01/ Advt/ 01/Rectt/2013
Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation of India (ALIMCO),inviting application for the post of R & D Engineer/ QC Officer/ Marketing officer
Post CodePost NameQualification
9HR /009R & D Engineer
(i) Degree in Mechanical / Electrical/ Electronics Engineering with Masters Degree in Rehabilitation Engineering or Biomedical Engineering. (ii) Minimum post qualification experience of 02 years of a Central Public Sector Undertaking/ Manufacturing / Industry of repute etc. (iii) ALIMCO manufactures and markets Assistive Devices of mechanical, electromechanical and electronics in nature, required for the rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities. Candidate should have sound knowledge of Rehabilitation Engineering, Assistive Technology, Gait Analysis, Orthopedic Implants, applications Nanotechnology in the field of assistive devices etc. Candidate should be well versed in Autocad and should be able to undertake product up-gradation, design and manufacture of adaptive equipment/ assistive devices for PwDs. (iv) Candidate should have working knowledge of the design, manufacturing techniques, and appropriate engineering problem-solving techniques. Skill in the operation of equipment and tools and the ability to direct others involved in the manufacturing of assistive devices, ability to develop and effectively present educational programs related to Rehabilitation Engineering (iv) Expertise in MS Office is essential.
10HR /010QC Officer
(i) Full time Graduate degree from a recognised institute/ university and Full time Post Graduate Degree / Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management with specialization in Marketing from institute of repute. (ii) Minimum post qualificationexperience of 02 years (preferably in a Central Public Sector Undertaking) Manufacturing/Industry or organization which has large network of customer base across the country . (iii) Expertise in MS Office is essential.
11HR /011Officer (P&O)
(i) Candidates having RCI recognised P&O Degree with at least 02 years of post qualification experience or Diploma holder having 10 years of post qualification experience in fabricating and fitting of artificial limbs to persons with disabilities. Candidates, who have such experience in a Central Public Sector Undertaking/ Manufacturing Industry/ Rehabilitation services will be given preference. (ii) The candidate will be overall Head & Controlling officer for the marketing activities at RMC Hyderabad. Basic function includes market development, increasing the customer base, sales forecasting, pricing, and logistics including finalization of transport contracts for dispatch of materials, ALIMCO manufactures Assistive Devices and markets products of mechanical, electromechanical and electronics in nature, required for the rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities. As in-charge of Centre, officer will be responsible for implementation of ADIP and ADIP-SSA schemes of Govt.of India throughout the Southern Region for free/subsidized distribution of aids and appliances manufactured by ALIMCO. (iii) Candidate will be responsible for maintaining huge data base on-line of the beneficiaries served under ADIP and ADIP-SSA schemes. He will also be responsible for obtaining and executing orders under CSR funds from corporate sector both in public and private, against MPLAD funds, Dealers, National Institutes, NGOs, State Governments, Hospitals etc. across the country. (iv) Candidates should be used to extensive travelling and conducting camps across the country. (v) Knowledge of MS Office is desirable
12HR /012Marketing officer
(i) Recognised Degree in Mechanical/Production Engineering or equivalent is essential. Post Graduate qualification in Metrology/ Material Testing/ SQC (Statistical Quality Control) will be preferred. (ii) Minimum post qualification experience of 02 years in the production shop of a large engineering industry of repute, out of which at least 01 year experience in the quality control department/testing laboratories is essential. Thorough knowledge and experience of various physical (both destructive and non-destructive), metallurgical tests, testing equipment, codes of practice e.g. IS, BS, ASTM etc inspection procedures and development of special test set-ups is also essential. (iii) Should be capable of guiding a team of viewers in the inspection and quality control work, enforcing quality control procedures for the incoming boughtouts, raw materials, products and components in process and finished components. Statistically quality control and sampling/random selection for the purposes of inspection, testing and quality control.(iv) Basic knowledge of Computer Applications is essential.
13HR /013Accountant
(i) Should be a qualified ICWA/CA Intermediate. (ii) Minimum 02 years of post qualification experience in manufacturing industry having exposure to finalization of Accounts, Audit, Bills Receivables, Bills Payables, Material Accounting, Cost Accounting, Marketing, Finance with sound knowledge of computer operations and who agrees to handle the Unit’s F&A functions as well as Administration independently will be most preferred.
14HR /014QC Assistant
(i) Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from a recognised institute. (ii) Minimum oftwo years experience in the production shop of a large engineering industry of repute out of which 01 year experience in QC Department / testing laboratory. (iii) Candidate should have basic knowledge of a)reading engineering dimensional drawing, using different type of inspection equipment like micrometer, comparators, gauges, etc. b)inspecting different types of metallic and non-metallic components and their raw materials. Inspection/testing set ups required for testing of various sub-assemblies, components, etc. (iv) Basic knowledge of Computer Applications is essential.

Post CodePost NameGrade
No. of Vacancy
Pay ScaleUpper age limit as on 01 Aug, 13Place of Posting
9HR /009R & D EngineerE-01 (UR)Rs. 12,600- 32,50034 YrsKanpur
10HR /010QC Officer
11HR /011Officer (P&O)Hyderabad
12HR /012Marketing officer 2 (UR)Kanpur
13HR /013Accountant
01 (UR)Rs. 7960-18,000
Rs. 9640-21,500
30 YrsHyderabad
14HR /014QC AssistantGrp-D2 (UR)Rs. 7700-1710025 YrsKanpur

Selection Process Personal Interview : The candidates will be required to attend Personal Interview before the Company’s Selection Board.
Application Fee : Demand Draft of Rs. 500/- (SC / ST and PH exempted) drawn in favour of ALIMCO, payable at Kanpur

How to apply

Applications in the prescribed format along with attested copies of testimonials in support of Age, Caste, Educational Qualifications, Experience etc., and non refundable Demand Draft may be sent only by Registered Post to the Manager (Personnel & Administration), ALIMCO, Naramau, G. T. Road, Kanpur-209 217 on or before29/08/2013

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